What’s Going on in the Culinary World?

Emma Bailey (Junior), Reporter

The culinary department is doing some extraordinary things. They just had their first ever food truck drive and a friendly competition called Cupcake Wars. These were all steps for the future of the culinary program here at LHS.

“My favorite part about Cupcake Wars was being in a group with all my friends. We had a good time while making the cupcakes,” said junior Corbin Daisley.

The Cupcake War was a competition against Ms. Merritt’s and Mr. Miller’s culinary class to see who could make the best cupcake. The judges voted off the cupcake’s tastiness, appearance, and the taste profile. Corbin Daisley, Cayman Huntsman and Levi Bray from Ms. Merritt’s class got first place for their maple bacon cupcake with a cinnamon maple butter filling.

“After we won my group all got Freeze Fridays from Ms. Merritt,” said junior Corbin Daisley.

On November 5th, from gold period two to gold period three Ivy Tech Community Collage brought a food truck to the school. They wanted to talk about the dual credit program and also show what it takes to run a food truck.

“After today I wanted the students to understand how important local food is. Also, I wanted them to understand the entire process of owning a food truck,” said Ivy Tech Chef Jeffery Bricker.

They were serving Grilled Cheese sandwiches and Milk from there sponsor the American Dairy Association. The students could make their own sandwich while learning about the truck. The students picked their own ingredients which included: a Pullman Loaf for the bread, for cheese they had the option of Pimento, Colby, Pepperjack, Tulip Tree Creamy Trillium and many others.

“I think the students really enjoyed this experience. This was the first year that Ivy Tech came to the school but I hope we can do it more often,” said Ms. Merritt.