Fishing for New Opportunities

Sofia Argotte (Senior), Reporter

This past Friday, FFA, held their 10th annual fish and chicken fry. Three hundred twenty-two people showed up to their event, surpassing their goal of 300 tickets.

“There was lots of planning to get people in the doors. Marketing was a big part of it,” said Ms. Lee.

To prepare for this event, FFA held two meetings a week with their whole committee. This is where they planned their decorations and how they would set up. They all stayed after school to help set out chairs, tables, and all of their decorations.

“I feel like we were really well prepared and everyone did great,” said freshman Lauren Argotte.

There was a food truck that was constantly making all of the food for them. Experience from previous years helped them plan how much food they would need and how much they might have left.

“We all had lots of fun and did really well, there was also a food truck that helped make the food,” said sophomore Breanna Page.

Chapter recruitment helped them plan this event, while Ms. Lee mainly ran it. Throughout this, they talked about their goal for this event and also helped promote it by putting out flyers around town and in buildings.

“This was one of the biggest turnouts in the last few years,” said Ms. Lee.

The FFA fish and chicken fry helps bring many opportunities to the students and staff. The money raised helps benefit the FFA chapter. This allows them to do different activities, such as conventions, trips, meetings, and team bondings without having to pay out of pocket.

“Dip-mas was really eventful and we interacted with each other a lot through white elephant and Dipmas,” said freshman Lauren Argotte.