Have you heard about the possible switch to iPads? In the following month, 20 LHS students are going to be testing out iPads. The overall goal of this project is to compare the current Macs to iPads. These results will determine what will be used for the 2024-25 school year.
Mr. Thatcher is in control of this project. He believes that the iPads have benefits that outweigh the possible struggles. For example, iPads are cheaper than Macs. Due to the school not being able to charge book fees to students, the corporation is looking to save money. Another benefit that the iPads offer is two free warranties for damaged screens. This means that if you happen to crack your screen, Apple will cover two accidents. This will also save stress and time for LHS staff who work with the electronics.
“With the iPads, the benefits outweigh the bad,” said Mr. Thatcher.
Though there are many benefits, the main concern of iPads is getting writing assignments completed. Though apps like Microsoft Word can be downloaded, it might feel odd to switch. With this, there could be some small difficulties during the transition from Macs to iPads that could raise concerns. These possible issues are the main reason why this project is occurring now. The hope is that we will be able to find solutions for these issues so that next year can run smoothly.
“It all works, it’s just a little different,” said Thatcher.
On Thursday, October 19th, the experiment began. 20 LHS students were given the iPads to test out. Though the iPads haven’t been out for long, some students already feel that the iPads are better than laptops. “I like being able to touch the screen,” said sophomore Claira Gramlin.
Over the next month, different opinions may form over the controversy. It’s best to be open to change and to be willing to try new things. Would you rather have a laptop or an iPad?