In recent years, skincare has become increasingly popular for the regular consumer, especially amongst teens and young adults. While skincare has been a routine for many years in history, it has gained recent popularity from some media outlets. In the rise in skincare, many influencers have adopted having their brand be based around skincare due to the consumer’s need for skincare to rise. Skincare is often a great way to find your perfect skin and something that makes you feel good every once in a while.
Though it can be a benefit, a rising concern with skincare has also been noticed especially with young teens and even kids wanting to use skincare products marketed towards adults. So here at LHS, questions about the popularity and use of skincare were asked.
“I noticed that there is a trend, that younger people are getting into anti-aging products– I get it if, your approaching your thirties, like that makes sense, but if you’re still a teenager you’re still growing, your skin is like kinda developing still. If anyone is struggling with acne, like severe acne, I would recommend products that have benzoyl peroxide (basically kills acne-causing bacteria within the pores). That ingredient is really good for severe acne, but I obviously don’t use it everyday.” stated Mi Mon, LHS student.
These are perfect examples and reasons for what you should consider using in your skincare. Doing research amongst the products can help you in the long run of what best fits your skin and the type of moderation you should consider when using certain skincare products. So if you are curious or wanting to know more about skincare, the best to do is research different cleansers, serums, etc. that will work best to help nourish your skin.
“Like when I don’t take care of my skin, I mean I notice a big difference like when I just rinse my face off, rather than when I use all of my products. So I do think it is probably pretty necessary, just keep up with it and I don’t know, your skin is really important.” responded Katelyn Rudolph.
Therefore skincare can have lasting effects on your skin, and could be dangerous in some aspects for the health of your skin. If you are wanting to get into skincare for your skin or maybe because of social media, do your research for what is appropriate for your skin. Doing research among the products you use, including the ingredients can have a lasting effect into what you will use in the future, or even look for in the future for skincare products.